Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

In most cases, it will not be necessary for members of the public to invoke the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (45 C.F.R. Chapter 21 Part 2105 and 5 U.S.C. 552), since the Commission of Fine Arts routinely and promptly responds to requests from concerned citizens and interested parties to review a wide variety of agency documents. The CFA staff post agendas for upcoming meetings and draft documents relevant to those meetings to this website. Agendas, meeting minutes, recommendation letters, and actions taken under the Shipstead-Luce and Old Georgetown Acts since October 2002 to the present are available on this website.

Documents from before October 2002 and documents not directly related to meetings or project review are available by contacting CFA staff. Please note that project files approximately five years or older are located in the Washington National Records Center or in the National Archives, and that more time should be allowed for access to these files. Please see the Accessing CFA Records page for further information. Depending on the information requested, CFA staff may be able to mail, fax, or electronically transmit the materials. In some cases, researchers may be requested to visit the office to review the materials, and there may be a charge for photocopying. Please see the Records and Research page for further information.

Annual Reports

FY2024 Report
PDF (230 KB) | XML

FY2023 Report
PDF (200 KB) | XML

FY2022 Report
PDF (155 KB) | XML

FY2021 Report
PDF (156 KB) | XML

FY2020 Report
PDF (155 KB) | XML

FY2019 Report
PDF (144 KB) | XML

FY2018 Report
PDF (74 KB) | XML

FY2017 Report
PDF (83 KB) | XML

FY2016 Report
PDF (370 KB) | XML

Chief FOIA Officer Reports

2020 CFO Report
PDF (110 KB)

2019 CFO Report
PDF (53 KB)

2018 CFO Report
PDF (60 KB)

2017 CFO Report
PDF (70 KB)