CFA 20/OCT/11-2


Memorial to Victims of the Ukrainian Famine–Genocide of 1932–1933
NPS Reservation #78, at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue, F and North Capitol Streets, NW
United States

National Park Service
Memorial to Victims of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide of 1932–1933
New memorial
Review Type


Dear Mr. Whitesell:

In its meeting of 20 October, the Commission of Fine Arts reviewed two alternative concept designs for the Memorial to the Victims of the Ukrainian Famine (Holodomor) of 1932-1933. The Commission agreed that the project team's preferred alternative, Field of Wheat, is the superior design and approved this concept with the following recommendations.

In order to make a more powerful design, the Commission members recommended carefully considering the treatment of the wall to which the wheat field bas-relief will be attached. They suggested either eliminating the framing effect of the wall around the bronze bas-relief as seen from the plaza, or treating the wall as a more deliberate architectural frame. They also suggested that the design team give more attention to the rear of the wall, noting that it contributes to the experience along F Street. In emphasizing the importance of considering this site within its larger urban context, the Commission members recommended that the proposed trees along the street curb conform to the regularity of the city's existing pattern of street trees. Finally, the Commission praised the environmental sustainability of the proposal, including the use of existing ambient lighting and on-site stormwater management.

The Commission commended the project team for the strength of the preferred alternative and looks forward to review of the next submission. As always, the staff is available to assist you.


/s/Thomas E. Luebke, FAIA

Steve Whitesell, Regional Director
National Park Service, National Capital Region
1100 Ohio Drive, SW
Washington, DC 20242

cc: Peter May, National Park Service
Mary Katherine Lanzillotta, Hartman-Cox Architects