CFA 21/SEP/06-1

National Park Service
National Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial. Site selection. Proposed location at the intersection of Maryland and Independence Avenues, between 4th and 6th Streets, SW
Review Type


Dear Mr. Lawler:

In the meeting of 21 September, the Commission of Fine Arts reviewed and approved the proposed site for the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial along Maryland Avenue, SW, between 4th and 6th Streets. The Commission members commented on the significant design challenges of this site including the need for a simple design and a strong focal element within this complex urban context. They emphasized that any proposed occupiable building, such as a facility for park rangers, restrooms, and bookshop, be small in scale and carefully sited.

The Commission considered the design guidelines that were submitted by the National Park Service and previously approved by the National Capital Planning Commission. While there was general support for the intent of these guidelines, particularly the importance of maintaining the historic view corridor of Maryland Avenue, the Commission chose not to adopt them; instead, the Commission members said they expect the design team will fully consider the appropriate treatment of the site in developing a concept for their review.

As always, the Commission staff is available should you require further guidance.


/s/Thomas E. Luebke, AIA

Joseph Lawler, Regional Director
National Capital Region
National Park Service
1100 Ohio Drive, SW
Washington, DC 20242

cc: Sally Blumenthal, NPS
Carl Reddel, Eisenhower Memorial Commission
Mike McGill, GSA
Michelle Pourciau, DC Department of Transportation