Dear Mr. Russo:
In its meeting of 19 April, the Commission of Fine Arts reviewed the final design of the proposed new entrance and security screening facility for Fort McNair. The Commission members expressed their appreciation for the thoroughness of the submission, the refinement of the overall plan, and the design team’s responsiveness to their previous recommendations.
In their review, the members made several additional recommendations. They suggested further study of the eastern end of the Visitor Control Center: the scale and proportions of the wall and signage should be refined to relate to the building as well as provide a visual terminus to Q Street, SW, and the triangular area planted with grass and shrubs in front of the wall should be removed to create a more integrated entry plaza for the building. For this building and others in the project, the members recommended further study of the proposal to use metal panels near the ground surface where the panels would be susceptible to damage from staining and dents.
With these recommendations, the Commission gave the project conditional approval and delegated the final approval of further modifications to the staff. As always, the staff is available to assist you and the design team with the final submission.
/s/Thomas E. Luebke, AIA
John T. Russo
Director, Public Works
Department of the Army
Headquarters, United States Army Garrison, Fort Myer
204 Lee Avenue
Fort Myer, VA 22211-1199
cc: Rod Garrett, Skidmore Owings and Merrill