OG 11-014

HPA number
HPA 11-017

3050 R Street, NW
United States

Hurt Home
Alterations for condominiums, partial demolition
Review Type


No objection to general concept design for proposed partial demolition of rear additions and for alterations to the window and door openings. Recommend further study of the window placement on rear facade after selective demolition, of the placement of skylights where they will not be visible from any public thoroughfare, of the stair enclosure and roof deck, and of the alley widening. Recommend repair of the original historic windows on the front facade up to the cornice. No roof top antennas are proposed nor will they be appropriate to the character of this historic building. File new submission of design development drawings, including landscape plan, arborist report, historic precedent findings for window openings from selective demolition at the rear, terraces, alley, etc with concept application for review by the Commission.