Final design approved by delegation. See letter dated 14 June 2012. Final design conforms to previously approved submission. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. ACTIONS PREVIOUSLY DELEGATED TO STAFF
Dear Mr. Hoskins:
The staff of the Commission of Fine Arts has reviewed the final design for building alterations and additions to the former Margaret Murray Washington School at 27 O Street, NW for the House of Lebanon to create a new senior living facility. The staff has no objections to the final designs for the proposed building alterations and additions.
With the authority delegated by the Commission at its meeting of 21 July 2011, we approve the final submission for the House of Lebanon senior living facility project, as documented in the materials received and dated 13 June 2012. If there are any additional changes please contact the staff to determine if additional review will be required. As always, the staff is available to assist you with future submissions.
/s/Thomas E. Luebke, FAIA
Victor L. Hoskins
Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
D.C. Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 317
Washington, DC 20004
cc: Scott Matties, Cunningham/Quill
Elizabeth Askew, Mission First