OG 04-106

HPA number
HPA 04-180

3214 P Street, NW
United States

Thomas Sweet Ice Cream
Sidewalk cafe on public space - existing
Review Type


Recommend AGAINST issuance of permit for existing sidewalk cafe as proposed, which is out of character with the historic district. Recommend further study of a light railing or alternative demarcation of space rather than existing fixed fence which is too thick. Recommend further study of movable chairs and tables with adjustable tops on existing sidewalk. See previous recommendation (OG 97-125). File new submission of working drawings, including dimensions, details and cut-sheets, with permit application for re-design of sidewalk cafe for review by the Commission when ready. Existing fence, tables and chairs must be removed no later than 31 July 2004. Commission regrets that sidewalk cafe was installed without review or permit. Note is made that applicant did not attend public meeting where case was discussed.