CFA 16/JAN/03-2


International Center
Northwest corner of Van Ness Street and International Court, NW
United States

U.S. Department of State
International Chancery Center
Guard booth
Review Type


Dear Ms. Mavritte:

During its meeting of 16 January 2003, the Commission reviewed and did not approve the proposed guard post for the International Center to be located at the northwest comer of Van Ness Street and International Court. The Commission feels the detailing and materials require further study.

The new booth should follow the basic design of the existing one at the garage entrance to the Federal Building with several modifications. We suggest adding vertical lines to the base of the booth below the windows to improve its vertical appearance and provide it with a character of security, strength and permanence. The color for the new vinyl roof should be darker to approximate the color of the roof on the existing booth. In addition, the proposed metal bollards should be encased in masonry to make them part of the overall design statement of the booth rather than an appendage to it.

We look forward to the review of the design as it develops.

/s/ Harry G. Robinson III, FAIA

Donna Mavritte
Project Manger
International Chancery Center
United States Department of State
Washington DC 20520