CFA 16/OCT/03-5


National Law Enforcement Museum
E Street between Court Buildings E and C, and north of Old City Hall, Judiciary Square (Federal Reservation #7)
United States

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
National Law Enforcement Museum
Review Type
Previous Review


Dear Mr. Floyd:

During its meeting of 16 October, the Commission reviewed the proposed concept for the National Law Enforcement Museum located on Judiciary Square. The revised concept is much grander than expected, with skylights that prevent access to the Old Courthouse building. The applicant is encouraged to pursue other options for day-lighting within the museum that do not require an elaborate bridge to provide necessary access to the principle entrance of the courthouse. In addition, the slanted roof of the proposed pavilions may not be compatible with the surrounding structures and should be reexamined.

The Commission continues to advocate a coordinated design solution for both the National Law Enforcement Museum and the Old Courthouse and requests that the applicants of both proposals work together to arrive at such a solution prior to further review of either project. As always, the staff is available should you require guidance.


Donald A. Capoccia
Vice Chairman

Mr. Craig Floyd
Chairman, National Law Enforcement
Officers Memorial Fund, Inc.
400 7th Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20004
cc:Davis Buckley, AIA