Dear Mr. Anderson:
In its meeting of 21 February, the Commission of Fine Arts reviewed a revised concept design for a new building for the dual program of short-term family housing and permanent supportive housing in Ward 1 at 2500 14th Street, NW. The Commission approved the submission with the following comments and recommendations.
The Commission members expressed support for the overall composition of the building and the development of the design. However, they observed that the fenestration previously proposed for the street-level elevation along 14th Street is now proposed to be blank walls and steel utility doors. They said that this condition was highly problematic for a street-level facade on this important mixed-use corridor, and they advised reintroducing fenestration or other detailing to this part of the elevation. They commended the proposed landscape design, particularly at the 14th Street entrance, the generous garden areas in the courtyard, and the palette of robust plantings. To improve further the design of the courtyard, they suggested creating more flexible play space for children of all ages by eliminating some of the fixed seating.
The Commission looks forward to the final review of this last project of this important citywide program for short-term family housing. Please consult with the staff in the resolution of these design refinements for the final submission.
/s/Thomas E. Luebke, FAIA
Keith A. Anderson, Director
D.C. Department of General Services
2000 14th Street, NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
cc: Ralph Cunningham, Cunningham Quill Architects
Joe Chambers, Landscape Architecture Bureau