Agency Operations & Virtual Meetings

The U.S. Commission of Fine Arts is continuing to review projects via virtual meeting, with staff remaining on duty through telework and intermittent office hours. For general inquiries, please email or call (202) 504-2200.

Public Meetings

Commission of Fine Arts (CFA)
20 February 2025 — The next public meeting of the CFA is scheduled for 20 February

Old Georgetown Board (OGB)
6 February 2025 — The next public meeting of the OGB, scheduled for 6 February, will take place on Zoom. All applicants and members of the public are required to register for the meeting here. A link to the meeting will be provided via email once registration is complete. Advance registration is recommended, although it will be possible to register during the meeting.

Notice regarding public comment: The CFA accepts public comment on projects and other matters currently under review. During public meetings of the Commission conducted by videoconference, for security and meeting quality purposes, attendees will not have access to the microphone or camera functions of the webinar. For members of the public wishing to comment on submissions, written comments will be accepted through the public comments page on the CFA website or via email to; please submit comments by 4pm on the day before the meeting. As the Commission of Fine Arts is a design review entity, please limit comments to design issues. Comments will be shared with the Commission members before the meeting and will become part of the public record. The Secretary will read or summarize these public comments at the meeting during review of the relevant project at the discretion of the CFA Chair.

Project Submission Procedures

Government (federal and District of Columbia)
Government submissions will only be accepted through the online submission portal on the CFA website. (Note: this portal is only for government submissions.) Click here for information on how to submit Government projects for concept and permit review.

Shipstead-Luce Act
All submissions will be accepted digitally. Please note that Shipstead-Luce Act submissions are referred to CFA from the District of Columbia; CFA does not accept Shipstead-Luce Act submissions directly from applicants. Click here for information on how to submit Shipstead-Luce Act projects for concept and permit review.

Old Georgetown Act
All submissions will be accepted digitally. Please note that Old Georgetown Act submissions are referred to CFA from the District of Columbia; CFA does not accept Old Georgetown Act submissions directly from applicants. Click here for information on how to submit Old Georgetown Act projects for concept and permit review.