Dear Mr. Floyd:
During its meeting 20 March 2003, the Commission reviewed the proposed concept design for the massing of the future National Law Enforcement Museum to be located at Judiciary Square, just north of the Old City Hall. The possible placement and size of the entrance pavilions accessing the underground museum need to relate, not only to the Law Enforcement Officers Memorial across the street but, to the existing historic structures composing the site.
On the basis of this preliminary review, the Commission is concerned about the relationship of the museum pavilions and their skylights with additional structures on the block, particularly those proposed for the underground parking garages and a possible north entrance for the Court House. As such, we consider it essential that we review the overall master plan for Judiciary Square prior to further commenting on the design development for the Museum.
As always, the staff is available to assist you in coordinating future reviews.
/s/ Harry G. Robinson III
Harry G. Robinson III, FAIA
Craig W. Floyd
Chairman, National Law Enforcement
Officers Memorial Fund, Inc
605 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004
cc: John W. Parsons, NPS
Davis Buckley, Architect