Dear Mr. McGill:
With the Commission's public meeting on the 18 September canceled due to the anticipated arrival of Hurricane Isabel, the members were not able to review the submission for the stabilization and moth-balling of the fountain on the eastern terrace of the Frances C. Perkins Building, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW. However, with the delegated authority of the Commission, the staff has reviews the proposal which will stablize the fountain and restore the terrace's landscape as shown in the drawings received and dated 3 September 2003, has no objection to the project, and has determined that this submission will not need additional review by the Commission. If there are subsequent changes to the project, they should be presented to the Commission for review.
We comment you and your staff on developing a project that will preserve this notable fountain for future restoration when, in the coming years, the Perkins Building is rehabilitated. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Charles H. Atherton
Mr. Micheal McGill
Special Assistant for Regional Coordination
U.S. General Services Administration
301 7th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20407-0001
cc: Cyrus Balan, GSA