Dear Mr. Carlstrom:
During its meeting of 15 April 2004, the Commission reviewed the proposal for the rehabilitation of the lighting for the United States Marine Corps War Memorial and approved the scheme in which the primary source of lighting for the sculpture and flag will be changed to pole mounted fixtures on the south side of the plaza, as apposed to the current system that utilizes ground level fixtures at the outer edge of the surrounding the plaza. The new scheme will also employ minimal accent lighting from the base of the sculpture to in fill any resulting shadows. The final focusing of the instruments and balancing of the light levels should be very carefully executed so that the southern and eastern sides of the sculpture appear the brightest. There should be little if any light allowed to spill beyond the monument. ln addition, even though it was not discussed during the presentation, the members also encourage the Park Service to repair and rehabilitate the surrounding site and walkway lighting so that nighttime visitors to the memorial can walk the paths safely.
Please forward a copy of the final set of construction documents to the staff for our final delegated approval.
Charles H. Atherton
Terry Carlstrom
Regional Director, National Capital Region
National Park Service
1100 Ohio Drive, SW
Washington, DC 20242
cc: Sally Blumenthal, National Park Service
Andrew Wenchel, NPS-GWP
John C. Sarkioglu, Lighting Design Collaborative