Dear Mr. Anderson:
In its meeting of 16 January, the Commission of Fine Arts reviewed the proposed final design for the renovation of and additions to the DC Bilingual Public Charter School (the former Keene Elementary School), located at 33 Riggs Road, NE. The Commission approved the design, conditional upon the successful resolution of several details.
The Commission members expressed appreciation for the responsiveness of the design team in improving the clarity of the site plan and refining the facades. For the north side of the site, they recommended further development of the detailing of the curved access ramp and seating steps and their connection with the elevated historic main entrance. They also encouraged reconsideration of the large circular play structure proposed for this courtyard, commenting that its size and the extensive play surface could detract from the formal entrance composition. For the south side of the school, they recommended consolidating the planted areas to accommodate adding a row of trees to the west edge of the walkway through the middle of the parking lot, in order to create a more comfortable shaded path for students and staff as they walk to and from the adjacent park.
The Commission appreciates the District of Columbia Government’s continued commitment to improving its public school buildings and sites. For resolution of these outstanding details of the final design, please consult with the staff which, as always, is available to assist you.
/s/Thomas E. Luebke, FAIA
Keith A. Anderson, Director
D.C. Department of General Services
2000 14th Street, NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
cc: Daniela Anello, DC Bilingual Public Charter School
Casey Smith, Hord Coplan Macht