CFA 17/JUN/21-a


Section 3, west of the intersection of Lawton and Miles Avenues
Arlington, VA
United States

U.S. Department of the Army
Arlington National Cemetery
Memorial marker for the crew of the Apollo 1 Mission
Review Type


No objection to the final design for a memorial marker to honor the service and sacrifice of the crew of the Apollo 1 Mission who lost their lives on 27 January 1967, as shown in materials received and dated 3 June 2021. Recommend moving the word "The" from the second line to the end of first line of text on the face of the monument. The monument will be located in Section 3 to the west of the intersection of Lawton and Miles Avenues, near the graves of Roger B. Chaffee and Virgil I. (Gus) Grissom. Refer to the Virginia State Historic Preservation Office.