CFA 17/JAN/08-a


Alfred Kieger Savoy Elementary School - 2400 Shannon Place, SE
United States

D.C. Public Schools
Renovation, alterations, and additions
Review Type
Previous Review


Project approved by delegation. See letter dated 30 November 2008.  ACTION PREVIOUSLY DELEGATED TO STAFF


Dear Mr. Brown:

The staff of the Commission of Fine Arts has reviewed the final designs for the additions to and renovation of the Alfred Kieger Savoy Elementary School, 2400 Shannon Place, SE. The staff has no objections to the final plans as they conform to the previously approved concept plans. With the delegated authority of the Commission, we grant final approval for this project as shown in the drawings and materials received and dated 29 November 2007. Should there be major changes made during construction, please contact the staff and we will assist you in determining if additional review is required. We look forward to the review of future projects for the D.C. Public Schools.


/s/Thomas Luebke, AIA

Cornell S. Brown, Jr.
Executive Director
Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization
Office of Facilities Management
D.C. Public Schools
Penn Center – 3rd floor
1709 3rd Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002

cc: Jennifer Battle, D.C. Public Schools
Tim Lovett, Bowie Gridley Architects