Project approved by delegation. See letter dated 9 January 2008. ACTION PREVIOUSLY DELEGATED TO STAFF
Dear Mr. Maj:
During a recent site visit to Arlington National Cemetery, the Commission staff reviewed a sample panel of finish materials for the LD90 boundary niche wall project and, as delegated by the Commission, gave final approval to the materials as displayed, with the guidance that the beaded mortar joints be tooled to avoid excess mortar. The staff also concurred with the proposal to use a flexible caulk joint instead of a traditional mortar joint for the capstones and at the expansion joints, provided the caulking is color matched to the mortar used elsewhere on the wall.
If during the course of construction there are any substitutions of materials for the structure's exterior elevations, we ask you to contact us to determine if additional review will be necessary. The Commission looks forward to the review of other projects for the Cemetery. As always, the staff is available should you require further guidance.
/s/Thomas Luebke, AIA
Ronald J. Maj, P.E.
Chief, Military Design Management Branch
Engineering Division
Department of the Army
Baltimore District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 1715
Baltimore, MD 21203-1715
cc: John Metzler, Superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery
Alan Eidsmore, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers