Dear Ms. Pace:
During it meeting of 18 March, the Commission reviewed the final plans for the new Ward 4, Old Kennedy Theatre Senior Wellness Center, 318-324 Kennedy Street, NW, for the District of Columbia's Office of Aging, The members requested three changes be made in selection of materials for the building. The sample of yellow-bronze metal that was proposed for the window frames was thought to be too bright in color and not in keeping with the historic character of the existing buildings. The color of the window frames should match the darker bronze-colored metal trim used elsewhere on the building. For the window glass, the members recommended the use of clear glass instead of the darkly tinted glass presented. Clear glass would permit more light to enter the building and allow the building to appear more lively from the street. The third change requested was for the new rear walls of the building not to be sheathed in the light-colored split-faced masonry units presented. Brick should be used instead so that the new walls better complement the preserved brick walls of the historic buildings.
The staff will be able to review the revised drawings that reflect these requested changes and with the submission of the revised drawings, the project can be considered approved.
Once again, the members expressed appreciation for the efforts of the Office of Aging to bring life back into these structures and acknowledged that this project will provide a welcome amenity for the senior members of the Ward 4 community. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Charles H. Atherton
Dr. E. Veronica Pace
Executive Director
Office of Aging
Government of the District of Columbia
441 Fourth Street, NW, Suite 900S
Washington, DC 20001
cc: Bijoy Isaac, DC Office of Property Management
Louis Fry III, AlA
Charles Bryant, FAIA