CFA 18/MAR/04-2

National Park Service
Lincoln Memorial
West Potomac Park at 23rd Street, NW. Rehabilitation of the lighting
Review Type
Previous Review


Dear Mr. Carlstrom:

During its meeting of 18 March, the Commission reviewed the concept design for the proposed new lighting scheme for the Lincoln Memorial. Based on the previous evening's demonstration of the new scheme, the members found the revised illumination to be a great improvement over the existing system. There were several recommendations made to fine tune the lighting levels to create a more even illumination of the entablature above the entrance colonnade, to lower the over-all brightness of the light on the sculpture of Lincoln, and to reduce the direct light on the flanking walls behind the sculpture.

With these adjustments, the Commission approved the concept submission and requests that the final plans be forwarded to the staff for our delegated final approval.


Charles H. Atherton

Terry R. Carlstrom
Regional Director
National Capital Regio
National Park Service
1100 Ohio Drive, SW
Washington, DC 20242

cc: John G. Parsons, NPS
David Mintz, The Mintz Lighting Group