CFA 18/MAR/04-3


Washington Monument Grounds
15th Street and Madison Drive
United States

National Park Service
Washington Monument Grounds
Temporary installation of food service trailers with a tent covering
Review Type


Dear Mr. Parsons:

During its meeting of 18 March, the Commission reviewed and approved the proposed concept for temporary food service trailers with a tent covering. The detailing of the tent structure should be carefully considered, while the material and color should match the existing tents located on the Ellipse. As a temporary installation, the structure should be in place for no more than two years. The Commission requests that the designers work with the staff during the continued development of the project. Construction documents should be submitted to the staff for final review.

The Commission looks forward to the review of future projects for the National Park Service.


Charles H. Atherton

John Parsons
Associate Regional Director
National Capital Region
National Park Service
1100 Ohio Drive, SW
Washington, DC 20242

cc: Steve Lorenzetti, National Park Service
Mary Oehrlein, Oehrlein and Associates Architects