Dear Mr. Sanchez:
In the meeting of 27 July, the Commission of Fine Arts reviewed Phase I of the proposed master plan for Judiciary Square including perimeter security, landscape, lighting, and signs. The Commission members supported the narrowing of E Street and praised the proposed lighting scheme. They requested additional study of the perimeter security elements, particularly the detailing of the proposed fences, commenting that the fence elements should either more closely match the elegant detailing of the existing building or be more of an abstraction, reducing the coarseness of the design as proposed. They also commented that any new signs should be designed and sited in a way that does not obstruct pedestrian flow or visual continuity along the sidewalk.
The Commission looks forward to the review of a revised design at your earliest opportunity. As always, the staff is available to assist you.
/s/Thomas Luebke, AIA
Joseph Sanchez
District of Columbia Courts
616 H Street, NW, 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20001
cc: Michael McGill, General Services Administration
Michael Kazan, Gruzen Samton LLP