HPA number
HPA 02-548
Georgetown Incinerator
Alterations for louvers at sidewalk level and sign scheme
Review Type
No objection to issuance of permit for proposed installation of signs for the Ritz Carlton Hotel, for the parking garage and for the building addresses in relation to the Georgetown Incinerator Project as shown in supplemental drawings received and dated 24 September 2002. Loews sign on Wisconsin avenue will be aligned with light fixture underneath. The Commission recommends a waiver from the restrictions of the Building Code for the proposed number and size of signs due to the nature of this project which encompasses a whole square. Additional signs for the complex, including retail and commercial signs which were not included in the present submission, must be submitted for review by the Commission when ready. No objection to deletion of driveway gate from project. Recommend AGAINST issuance of permit for proposed louvers at pedestrian level on Building 'C' facing Wisconsin Avenue. Supplemental drawings indicate that louvers have been deleted from submission and alternatives for interior modifications are being considered.