HPA number
HPA 03-044
Eagle Building
Alterations to storefronts for new building
Review Type
Concept - revised design
No objection to general concept design for revisions to approved design for new building now under construction at the Eagle site, as shown in supplemental drawings received and dated 20 December 2002. Revisions to the M Street facade include use of limestone instead of brick, a one-story glass storefront wrapping around corner, punched openings of same size on front and side facades on second floor, and a revised tower element between the historic and new buildings. Recommend further study of location of side windows with the expression of corner column, location for future signs and entrances on storefront, detailing of stone coursing and of storefront, development of area between new building and the Little Tavern, and dimension and treatment of garage door on Bank Street. File new submission of further development of drawings with new concept application for review by the Commission when ready.