OG 16-055

HPA number
HPA 16-087

3247 P Street, NW
United States

Review Type
Previous Review


No objection to issuance of permit for proposed alterations, including new pair of doors and new window opening at north elevation, replacement doors, and new skylight per supplemental drawings received 20 November and 4 December 2015 which indicate that profile of new window would match the profile of the existing windows, and metal railing at front stairs is repaired PROVIDED that skylight is not visible from a public thoroughfare. The previously proposed sliding gate at rear is not included in this permit application. Erect a mock-up for the skylight for confirmation of visibility prior to ordering materials. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.