OG 24-354

HPA number
HPA 24-455

2812 N Street, NW
United States

Replace existing shutters and shutter dogs; new rooftop condensers
Review Type
Previous Review


No objection to concept design for alterations to the front and rear of this property, known as the Decatur-Gunther or Morsell House, per supplemental materials received 4 November 2024. Scope of work includes replacement of existing non-historic shutters; restoration and in-kind replacement of shutter dogs and hardware; and construction of a new platform at the rear for roof-mounted condensers. Materials indicate the new panel shutters on the front first floor would replicate the “ABAB” pattern as seen in HABS documentation; the basement shutters would have a single panel; the second-floor shutters would be louvered; the rear shutters on the second floor would be part louver, part panel; and the largest HVAC condensers would be 3.25’ tall and screened by wood latticework. File permit submission at DOB with detailed and dimensioned drawings for review by the Commission.