Dear Ambassador Al-Dafa:
During its meeting of 18 March, the Commission reviewed and approved the proposed concept for facade alterations for a new chancery for the State of Qatar at 2555 M Street, NW (SL 04-042). The design is greatly improved since the additions have been more strongly integrated with the existing structure. As the project moves forward, the design of the canopies requires additional development as they appear rather diminutive in comparison with the bold entrance and stair tower. In addition, careful consideration of material for the horizontal banding through the glass addition will be important when detailing the front facade.
The Commission requests that the architects continue to work with staff as the design develops to insure smooth progress in the review process and looks forward to further review of this important project in the near future.
Charles Secretary
His Excellency Bader Omar Al-Dafa
Ambassador to the State of Qatar
Embassy of the State of Qatar
4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20016
cc: Barbara A. Muilenex, OPX Architects
Richard Ray Ruhlman, Leo A. Daly