SL 04-081


Tregaron (The Causeway)
3100 Macomb Street, NW (alternative address 3029 Klingle Road, NW)
United States

D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Tregaron (The Causeway)
Plan for planned unit development
Review Type
Revised concept
Previous Review


Shipstead-Luce Act Agenda Exhibit Item

TO: Mayor's Agent for D.C. Law 2-144, Public Law 808, and Public Law 231, for those applications also subject to D.C. Law 2-144

The accompanying application is returned by the Commission of Fine Arts with recommendation as noted:

SL 04-081
3100 Macomb Street, NW (alternative address: 3029 Klingle Road, NW)
Plan for planned unit development.
Revised concept (Previous: SL04-036, 19 February 2004)

RECOMMENDATION: No objection to the concept plan for the proposed new planned unit development, including nine (9) new single family dwellings, on the Tregaron Estate property (currently the campus of the Washington International School) as shown in materials submitted and dated 2 September 2004. Recommend further study of the proposed restoration of the historic garden and grounds, and suggest a full site engineering study be conducted to ascertain any impacts on the historic landscape, existing garden features, and storm water run off. File new submission of the developed concept, including the site engineering study, for review by the Commission when ready.


/s/Frederick J. Lindstrom
Acting Secretary