SL 04-103


Washington International School
3100 Macomb Street, NW
United States

D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Washington International School
New library/academic building with two-level parking structure
Review Type


Shipstead-Luce Act Agenda Item Exhibit

TO: Mayor's Agent for D.C. Law 2-144, Public Law 808, and Public Law 231, for those applications also subject to D.C. Law 2-144

The accompanying application is returned by the Commission of Fine Arts with recommendation as noted:

SL 04-103
3100 Macomb Street, NW
Washington International School
New library/academic building, two-level parking garage, regrading and extension of athletic field

RECOMMENDATION: No objection to general concept design and site plan for proposed library/academic building and two-level parking garage at the Washington International School. Recommend further study of stylistic approach to relate new building to existing buildings on campus. The Commission expresses concern on the proposed re-grading and extension of the athletic field which, as proposed, will have an adverse impact on the very nature of the site. Request a site visit to inspect location of goal poles and extent of proposed alteration. File new submission of concept development drawings for review by the Commission when ready.


/s/Frederick J. Lindstrom
Acting Secretary