SL 14-106

HPA number
HPA 14-384

1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
United States

Office building
Bank entrance modifications and new automatic teller machine
Review Type
Previous Review


No objection to the issuance of a permit for the installation of a new storefront opening, stone base, and automatic teller machine, as shown in materials received and dated 2 May 2014 and supplemental materials received and dated 14 May 2014, provided that the proposed digital display be interior only, with no portion of the screens within 18 inches of the storefront glazing, and that the storefront components for the new portion of the opening match the corresponding storefront components in the adjacent openings. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.