SL 24-144


1330 Maryland Avenue, SW
United States

Salamander Hotel
Replacement awnings
Review Type


No objection to the concept for the installation of 28 green and white striped replacement fabric awnings at the courtyard, Maine and Maryland Avenue building facades and a retractable awning at the east facade of the courtyard of an existing hotel, as shown in materials received and dated 5 July 2024 and supplemental materials received and dated 10 July 2024, PROVIDED that the awnings be installed without signage and pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Recommend that the existing balcony and Juliet balcony railings throughout the building facades not be painted black as proposed due to the lack of congruency with the overall facade color palette and the alteration of the visual proportions of the entrance facade. Note: This is a concept approval only. When ready, submit the permit drawings and a permit application to DOB for review by the Commission.