CFA 16/APR/15-a
CFA 16/APR/15-b
CFA 16/APR/15-c
No objection to the proposed plans to reconfigure and rehabilitate the landscape of the existing pedestrian triangle on the south side of the western intersection of Constitution and Pennsylvania Avenues, as shown in materials received and dated 2 April 2015 and 7 April 2015. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.
CFA 16/APR/15-d
No objection to the final plans for a new guard booth and modifications to the entrance gates and front fence to improve visitor screening and vehicular access to the Embassy of Ethiopia, as shown in materials received and dated 2 April 2015. Final design conforms to the approved concept submission.
CFA 16/APR/15-e
No objection to the concept design for a new access control point on Boundary Channel Drive to control vehicular access to the north secure parking areas, as shown in materials received and dated 2 April 2015.
CFA 16/APR/15-f
No objection to the concept plans for the installation of back-up electrical generators in the southwest court of the Whitten Building and in the eastern most and western most courtyards of the Agriculture South Building, as shown in materials received and dated 2 April 2015. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.