CFA 20/APR/17-a
CFA 20/APR/17-b
CFA 20/APR/17-c
No objection to the final plans for the rehabilitation of and alterations to the Rose Park Multi-use Trail, including the replacement of pavement, addition of fencing and lighting, and landscaping, as shown in materials received and dated 30 March 2017. The final design conforms to the recommendations of the Old Georgetown Board for additional modifications to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.
CFA 20/APR/17-d
CFA 20/APR/17-e
CFA 20/APR/17-f
CFA 20/APR/17-g
CFA 20/APR/17-h
CFA 20/APR/17-i
No objection to final design for site work for an outdoor classroom, as shown in supplemental drawings and materials received 12 April 2017. Design conforms to the recommendations made by the Old Georgetown Board. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.