CFA 20/JUL/17-a
No objection to the final design for a commemorative monument to honor the helicopter pilots and crewmembers who served in the Vietnam War, as shown in materials received and dated 5 July 2017. The monument will be located adjacent to the existing Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Memorial Tree located on the east side of Memorial Drive in Section 35.
CFA 20/JUL/17-b
CFA 20/JUL/17-c
CFA 20/JUL/17-d
CFA 20/JUL/17-e
CFA 20/JUL/17-f
No objection to the concept design for the renovation, modernization, and additions to Coolidge High School, as shown in supplemental materials received and dated 19 July 2017, provided the design team continues to work with the Commission staff to refine the landscape design, elevations of the new addition, and the overall details of the project. Recommend additional study of the freestanding entrance canopies so that the canopies are more integral with the structure of the new addition. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.