CFA 21/JUN/18-a
CFA 21/JUN/18-b
CFA 21/JUN/18-c
CFA 21/JUN/18-d
No objection to the revised final design to eliminate the ADA lift at the north stair on the Carnegie Library, as shown in materials received and dated 24 May 2018. The other components of the proposed project conform to the previously approved design. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.
CFA 21/JUN/18-e
CFA 21/JUN/18-f
CFA 21/JUN/18-g
CFA 21/JUN/18-h
CFA 21/JUN/18-i
No objection to the final design for the site work for an outdoor classroom at Hardy Middle School, as shown in materials received and dated 8 June 2018. (Submitted under case number OG 18-196). Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.
CFA 21/JUN/18-j
CFA 21/JUN/18-k
CFA 21/JUN/18-l
Project approved by delegation. See letter dated 13 June 2018. Final design conforms with the previous recommendations of the Commission. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.