CFA 15/JUN/23-a
No objection to the final design for modifications to the existing AT&T cellular antenna array on the roof of the DOI headquarters building, per materials received 1 June 2023. Scope of work includes the removal of 3 existing panel antennas and the installation of 2 new enclosed spherical antennas at the mechanical penthouse. 13 existing remote radio heads (RRH) would be removed, 4 would be relocated to another sector, and 17 new RRHs would be installed at the mechanical penthouse. New antenna enclosures would be painted to match the penthouse.
CFA 15/JUN/23-b
No objection to the final design for the rehabilitation of an existing school building (currently abandoned) for the Old Miner Early Childhood Center, per materials received 1 June 2023. Scope of work includes the construction of a new covered walkway, entry vestibule, and exterior elevator enclosure. Final design conforms with the previously approved concept design. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.
CFA 15/JUN/23-c
No objection to the final design for a new storefront entrance along the southern facade, consisting of two new double leaf entry doors, each with a new transom and sidelights, as shown in materials received 2 June 2023. (Case originally submitted as SL 23-105.)
CFA 15/JUN/23-d
No objection to final design for the installation of exterior signage and interpretive panels for a new exhibition gallery (The National Environmental Museum and Education Center) at the EPA's Clinton Building, per materials received 1 June 2023. Scope of work includes new transom lettering; one wall-mounted museum sign; and four free-standing interpretive panels within the surrounding planting beds. Recommend selection of museum sign graphics consistent with the agency's logo guidelines. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.