OG 18-075
OG 18-232
OG 18-303
OG 18-344
OG 19-009
No objection to issuance of permit for alterations, including replacement of non-original front door, replacement of original 24-panel garage door, and removal of existing non-original door surround, louvered shutters, and metal fencing at planter, per drawings received 12 March 2019, which indicate the existing front door transom would be retained. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 19-019
No objection to concept design for installation of freestanding African American historic landmark markers, per drawings received 25 February 2019, PROVIDED Option 2 is used for the marker design, marker text is vetted before permit submission, OGB staff walks sites with applicant before marker locations are finalized, and number of freestanding markers is minimized as much as possible. File permit submission at DCRA with detailed and dimensioned drawings for review by the Commission.
OG 19-055
OG 19-073
OG 19-075
No objection to concept design for replacement two-over-two, single-glazed, full frame wood windows, door replacement with four paneled wood doors, removal of entryway pediment and one carriage light on O Street elevation, and removal of vinyl roof deck, to correct violations, per drawings received 19 February 2019. File permit submission at DCRA with detailed and dimensioned drawings for review by the Commission.
OG 19-080
OG 19-082
OG 19-083
OG 19-088
OG 19-089
OG 19-091
No objection to design development submission to restore storefront, repaint front elevation subsequent to completion of paint analysis, install new sign band reading, "Chase," restore window openings on the mezzanine and second floor rear of the building, and make alterations to the first floor rear door openings per drawings received 27 February 2019, PROVIDED the applicant replicate the original design of the storefront transom. File permit submission with DCRA with detailed and dimensioned drawings for review by the Commission.
OG 19-094
No objection to concept design for revision to approved window well depth at rear ell, as well as installation of skylight at north roof slope of rear ell, per drawings received 21 February 2019. Note that the Foundation for the Preservation of Historic Georgetown holds an easement on this property. File permit submission at DCRA with detailed and dimensioned drawings for proposed work and window-well excavation for review by the Commission.