SL 17-044
Returned without action. Concept application for two proposed new houses has been inactive for an extended period of time and applicant has been unresponsive. Forward a new concept submission for CFA review when ready.
SL 17-100
SL 17-111
SL 17-112
SL 17-113
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the installation of aluminum-clad replacement double-hung windows and one door, as shown in materials received and dated 2 June 2017 and supplemental materials received and dated 14 June 2017. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 17-114
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the installation of nine new skylights and one new roof access door in an existing house, as shown in materials received and dated 2 June 2017 and supplemental materials received and dated 9 June 2017. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 17-115
SL 17-116
SL 17-117
SL 17-118
SL 17-119
SL 17-120
No objection to the concept for modifications to the site and entrances of an existing office building, as shown in materials received and dated 2 June 2017 and supplemental materials received and dated 12 June 2017, PROVIDED that the applicant consult further with CFA and DC Public Space staff on the proposed construction in public space along Massachusetts Avenue, particularly the location and design of railings and retaining walls, prior to submission for permit review. Note: This is a concept approval only. When ready, submit the permit drawings and a permit application to DCRA for review by the Commission.