OG 25-004
Recommend AGAINST issuance of permit. Rooftop solar panels as shown in supplemental drawings received 25 November 2024 would be visible from 30th Street, NW and equipment would be visible from public alley and are incompatible with the historic district.
OG 25-045
Recommend AGAINST issuance of permit for rooftop solar panels, per supplemental materials received 25 November 2024, due to insufficient documentation. File new submission at DOB with detailed and dimensioned drawings, as well as an on site mock-up for review by the Commission .
OG 25-054
Recommend AGAINST concept design for rooftop solar panels and associated wall-mounted equipment. The rooftop solar panels shown in drawings received 15 November 2024 and mock-up completed on 22 November 2024 would be visible from public space and are incompatible with the historic district.