OG 23-273
Return without action. Concept application for street furnishings and sidewalk tree boxes was withdrawn at the written request of the applicant.
OG 24-074
Returned without action. Submitted materials are insufficient for review and the concept application for signage has been inactive for an extended period of time. File new submission with detailed and dimensioned drawings for review by the Commission.
OG 24-097
Returned without action. Permit application for window replacement was withdrawn at the written request of the applicant, received 22 March 2024.
OG 24-168
Returned without action. Permit application for window replacements was withdrawn by the applicant.
OG 24-172
Returned without action. Permit application for signage for Jinya was withdrawn at the written request of the applicant on 21 March 2024. Note that initial submission does not meet the OGB sign guidelines and is incompatible with the historic district.
OG 24-190
Returned without action. Submitted documentation is not sufficient for review. File new concept submission with detailed and dimensioned drawings for review by the Commission.