CFA 21/OCT/10-i


15th Street, between K and E Streets, NW
United States

D.C. Department of Transportation
Pilot project for the installation of bicycle lanes
Review Type


No objection to the final plans for a one-year pilot project to install bicycle lanes on 15th Street between K and E Streets, NW, as shown in materials received and dated 7 October 2010, with the exception of that portion of the trail south of H Street, NW running along Madison Place and Pennsylvania Avenue pending further consultation with the Commission staff, National Capital Planning Commission, National Park Service, D.C. Historic Preservation Office, and other interested agencies. This approval includes the provision that after the one-year trial period the final plans for the permanent installation should be submitted to the Commission for review or the bicycle lane will be removed and the street restored to its previous configuration. Refer to the D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board.