OG 12-078

HPA number
HPA 12-132

1059 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW
United States

Alterations to front and rear, deck, fence
Review Type
Permit - revised design


No objection to issuance of permit for proposed alterations, including replacement windows, doors, deck and fence at rear, and for alterations to door surround and replacement front door as shown in supplemental drawings dated 13 January 2012 which indicate 4 panel door with glazing on top panels lights, 2/2 windows at rear and side of ell with 1 3/4 inch true-divided-lite muntins, wood deck set back from south property line and no light fixtures on deck posts. and reduction on number of light fixtures on rear deck. Rooftop HVAC units and skylights must not be visible from public thoroughfare. Historic wood windows on front facade will be repaired. Wood railing on deck, fence and gate at rear must be painted or stained. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the exterior design made during DCRA technical review must be re-submitted to the Commission for approval prior to issuance of permit.