OG 13-300

HPA number
HPA 13-522

3123-3125 M Street, NW
United States

Signs, light fixtures, replacement door, screen for rooftop equipment
Review Type


No objection to issuance of permit for proposed replacement door, light fixtures and sign scheme comprised of 12 inch high pin-mounted letters reading 'Irish Pub' and the logo for 'RiRa' at 3125 M Street and a sign beneath entrance canopy at 3123 M Street as shown in supplemental drawings dated 9 September 2013 which indicate screening of existing roof top mechanical equipment and duct work on both buildings, which are visible from the street and the public alleys. Only four gooseneck light fixtures will illuminate the sign above the storefront. Repetitive reference to the name was deleted from the logo. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design made during DCRA Technical Review must be resubmitted to the Commission for the approval prior to issuance of permit.