OG 13-081

HPA number
HPA 13-133

3200 M Street, NW
United States

Light fixtures, alterations to sign scheme for 'Banana Republic'
Review Type


No objection to issuance of permit for proposed repairs to facade and for alterations to sign scheme for 'Banana Republic', including new plaques and removal of lettering applied to glass on show windows. Recommend removal of gooseneck light fixtures and consideration of a back-lit sign pin-mounted to wall through mortar joints. Replacement light fixtures on projecting arms were not approved. Recommend wall sconce be sought to replace gooseneck light at rear door. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the exterior design made during DCRA technical review must be re-submitted to the Commission for approval prior to issuance of permit. File a new submission of detailed and dimensioned drawings for back-lit sign with permit application for review by the Commission.