OG 20-187

HPA number
HPA 20-339

3045 West Lane Keys, NW
United States

Dormers, fenestration alterations
Review Type
Previous Review


No objection to issuance of permit for alterations, including two new dormers at front, replacement of entrance door, replacement of shutters, new shed dormer at rear, and enclosure of atrium at center of house, per supplemental materials received 9 June 2020. Scope was originally approved under OG 19-059 and this application addresses slight changes in dormer size at front and window size at rear second floor. Canopy at front was removed from this scope and will be submitted under a separate application. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.