OG 20-281

HPA number
HPA 20-512

1332 29th Street, NW
United States

Single-family residence
Replacement roof, condenser units, shutters, lanterns, and fenestration changes
Review Type
Previous Review


No objection to concept design for replacement shutters, light fixtures, basement window on east elevation, fenestration changes to the west and south elevations, replacement copper roofing, and new condenser units, per supplemental materials received 17 September 2020, PROVIDED the applicant include cut sheets for the proposed light fixtures and give consideration to a single lantern, re-study the proposed muntin patterns for the fenestration changes on the west and south elevations, remove the existing security bars, and consider locating the condenser units in the rear yard. File permit submission at DCRA with detailed and dimensioned drawings for review by the Commission.