HPA number

Curb lane of M Street and Wisconsin Avenue, NW
United States

D.C. Department of Transportation
Public Right of Way
Streateries and Sidewalk Extensions - Information Presentation
Review Type
Information presentation
Previous Review


Dear Ms. Kershbaum:

In its public meeting of 5 December conducted by videoconference, the Old Georgetown Board was pleased to hear an information presentation on the D.C. Government’s Permanent Streatery Program proposed for 2025. The Board expressed appreciation for the initiative to develop guidelines for these semipermanent outdoor dining facilities within public space and provided the following comments regarding the program and its implementation within the Old Georgetown Historic District.

The Board members recognized the continuing demand for outdoor dining following its extensive use during the Covid-19 pandemic, and they expressed support for the program’s goals of improving the safety, accessibility, and aesthetics of these facilities. However, they raised several concerns regarding the impact of the facilities on Georgetown’s historic resources. They commented that the concrete Jersey barriers—specified for continued use along Georgetown’s main arterial roadways—are not compatible with the historic district, but they acknowledged that this type of barrier is required for pedestrian safety. They did not support the use of overhead structures on the streateries, as these elements would obstruct views and detract from the architecture and streetscapes that characterize the historic district. They also expressed a preference for natural materials, such as wood for the platforms and structures rather than plastics or composites.

As the DDOT guidelines do not prescribe a specific design or material palette, the Old Georgetown Board intends to develop its own design guidelines for streateries to provide aesthetic controls in addition to DDOT’s regulations. Regarding the operation and maintenance of the facilities, the Board members suggested that the area available for an individual business’s streatery should be limited to only the space directly in front of that establishment, and that unused street frontage should be kept open for public use. They also requested additional information on how the guidelines would be enforced, and if a lawfully permitted streatery would convey with a change of ownership of a business or property.

The Old Georgetown Board and the Commission of Fine Arts look forward to further coordination with DDOT on the design and permitting for streateries within the public space of the Old Georgetown Historic District.

/s/Thomas E. Luebke, FAIA

Sharon Kershbaum, Director
D.C. Department of Transportation
1100 4th Street, SW, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20004

cc: Billie Tsien, Commission of Fine Arts
Joe Sternlieb, Georgetown Business Improvement District