SL 24-044
Recommend AGAINST the issuance of a permit for the installation of nine antennas, 22 radio head units, screening structures, and associated equipment for AT&T on the roof of an existing building, as shown in materials received and dated 5 January 2024 and supplemental materials received and dated 8 November 2024. Recommend consultation with staff on the location of the antennas and design of the enclosures before submitting a new and completely documented submission. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.
SL 25-010
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the installation of replacement brick paving in public space at the front yard of an existing house, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024. Refer to DC Public Space Committee. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-012
Property is under the control of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority and is not subject to review under the Shipstead-Luce Act. See Consent Calendar for 21 November 2024, case number CFA 21/NOV/24-n for recommended action.
SL 25-013
Property is subject to CFA review as a submission from the U.S. General Services Administration. See Consent Calendar for 21 November 2024, case number CFA 21/NOV/24-i for recommended action.
SL 25-014
Recommend AGAINST the issuance of a permit for the installation of two internally illuminated replacement signs, two internally illuminated proscenium signs, a "spark" sign, and vinyl window decals for Wells Fargo, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024; internally illuminated signs are not permitted under the DC regulations for the Shipstead-Luce Act area and the proposed size of the signs exceeds that permitted under the regulations. Forward a new submission for signs that conform with the regulations for the Shipstead-Luce Act area when ready.
SL 25-015
No objection to the issuance of a permit for front facade repairs at an existing building, including the installation of ten replacement windows and a replacement entry door; cornice, column, and railing repairs; and security gate removal, in preparation for a larger renovation and addition project, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-016
No objection to the issuance of a permit for front facade repairs at an existing building, including the installation of 14 replacement windows and two replacement entry doors; cornice, column, and railing repairs; and security gate removal, in preparation for a larger renovation and addition project, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-017
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the installation of new rooftop mechanical equipment and replacement exterior signs along 19th Street, NW, for Chick-Fil-A at an existing building, including the installation of a roof mounted grease exhaust fan and HVAC equipment, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-018
No objection to the concept for perimeter security and site improvements at an existing building, including the installation of bollards at pedestrian entrances; beam barriers at vehicular entrances; a new canopy at the main building entrance; benches, lighting fixtures, a triangular planter, replacement pavers, and landscape at the entry plaza; center handrails on the three existing stairs along F Street, NW; replacement garage and loading doors; metal signage bands; column covers; guard booth; and relocation of an existing sculpture, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024. Refer to DC Public Space Committee. Note: This is a concept approval only. When ready, submit the permit drawings and a permit application to DOB for review by the Commission.
SL 25-019
No objection to the concept for a new accessible ramp at the front entrance of an existing building along 20th Street, NW, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Refer to DC Public Space Committee. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: This is a concept approval only. When ready, submit the permit drawings and a permit application to DOB for review by the Commission.
SL 25-020
No objection to the concept for the conversion of an 11-story office building into a hotel, including replacement storefront and windows; installation of new signage and a penthouse screen wall; and modifications to the plaza and landscape, as shown in submission materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Recommend consultation with the staff of CFA, National Park Service, National Capital Planning Commission, and D.C. Public Space Division on the Indiana Avenue, NW, frontage and public space design prior to submission for permit. Refer to National Park Service. Refer to DC Public Space Committee. Refer to General Services Administration. Refer to National Capital Planning Commission. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: This is a concept approval only. When ready, submit the permit drawings and a permit application to DOB for review by the Commission.
SL 25-021
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the partial demolition of an existing building, including removal of the facade, concrete slab edges, shaft openings, elevators, mechanical enclosures, and equipment, in preparation for a larger renovation and addition project, as shown in submission materials received and dated 8 November 2024. Submission conforms with the previously approved revised concept for the larger project. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-022
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the installation of two replacement panel antennas and the relocation of an existing panel antenna to an existing mounting pipe for T-Mobile at an existing rooftop cellular installation, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, PROVIDED that all antennas be mounted as low and as far back from the facades of the building as possible. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-023
No objection to the issuance of a permit for a one-story rear addition to an existing house, including the installation of a screened porch, flagstone pavers, and a privacy fence, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending consultation on the massing and design and pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-024
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the installation of a rooftop solar panel system at an existing house, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-025
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the demolition and reconstruction of three 5-story tiers of concrete balconies on the west and south facades of an existing building, including the installation of replacement balcony roofs and aluminum guardrails, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, PROVIDED that the railings be painted black to match existing balcony railings to remain and pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-026
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the construction of a replacement accessible ramp at the rear of an existing building, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-027
No objection to the issuance of a permit for a vestibule addition at the rear facade of an existing house, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024 and supplemental materials received and dated 13 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-028
No objection to the concept for the enclosure of a covered front porch, the addition of a new pergola supported by a brick column, new and replacement windows and doors, a replacement garage door, wall opening modifications, a new retaining wall, replacement paving, and two metal canopies, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Recommend AGAINST the installation of vinyl replacement windows, doors, and shutters; forward a new and complete submission for non-vinyl replacement windows, doors, and shutters when ready. Note: This is a concept approval only. When ready, submit the permit drawings and a permit application to DOB for review by the Commission.
SL 25-029
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the construction of a new single-family house, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Previously proposed pool has been removed from the scope of this project. Submission conforms with previously approved concept. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.
SL 25-030
No objection to the issuance of a permit for the installation of a rooftop solar panel system at an existing house and garage, as shown in materials received and dated 8 November 2024, pending the receipt of supplemental materials. Submission conforms with previously approved concept. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DOB technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval.