Guidance for the Preparation of Site Plans for Old Georgetown Projects

The following information is provided to applicants to clarify requirements for documenting proposals for review by the Old Georgetown Board and Commission of Fine Arts. It is essential that all notes and dimensions be accurate and legible.

Project types requiring submission of a site plan:

New structures; additions; site work

Required site plan information (for both existing conditions and proposed work):

  • Scope: Subject property from front curb to rear alley or street, as well as immediately contiguous property on all sides, including number of stories and dimensions.
  • Scale: Drawing scale should be 1/8” = 1’-0” or 1” = 10’. Provide a graphic scale on each drawing.
  • Technical information:
    • Property lines
    • Dimensions of subject property
    • North orientation arrow
  • Existing conditions site plan:
    • Existing structures: labeled and dimensioned, with the number of stories indicated (use best estimate to document structures on neighboring properties)
    • Significant landscape elements: fences, paved areas, retaining walls, walkways, trees greater than 8" caliper dbh, water elements, etc.
    • Public space elements: curbs, tree boxes, stoops and stairs, street furniture, equipment, alleys
  • Proposed alterations site plan:
    • New structures, additions, and site work: labeled and dimensioned, with the number of stories indicated for each structure. Provide dimensions from proposed new work to existing structures and property lines.


A site plan is required with all submission materials for new structures, additions, and site work. CFA staff will determine if a completely documented site plan has been provided. If a complete site plan is not included:

  • Concept review submissions: The case will not be included on the public review agenda and will be postponed until a complete site plan is provided.
  • Permit review submissions: The case will be disapproved and returned to DOB on the basis of incomplete documentation for review.