Displaying 18981 - 19000 of 19002
Project Number | Project | Description | Last Reviewed |
OG 02-339 | Dumbarton Oaks |
Excavation for sewer on public space |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-338 | Residence |
Alterations to roof for new dormers |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-336 | Mie-N-Yu |
Alterations to storefront and new awning |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-334 | Alterations to storefront |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-333 | Cox's Row |
Landscaping at front and rear, pavilion and board fence at rear |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-332 | Residence |
Three-story rear addition |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-331 | Coach |
Signs |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-330 | Residence |
Replacement windows - existing |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-329 | Johnny Rockets |
Three awnings and sign |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-327 | Residence |
Replacement board fence |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-326 | Final permit coordination set for Incinerator project |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-325 | Safeway |
Replacement sign logos |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-321 | Four Seasons Hotel |
Additions for meeting rooms off C & O Canal |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-320 | Residence |
Replacement board fence and gates at rear |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-319 | Residence |
Picket fence around existing A/C equipment on public space |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-318 | Residence |
Replacement stockade fence at rear |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-316 | Residence |
Garage building |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-311 | Residence |
Alterations to rear wall and rear new dormers |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-304b | Georgetown Incinerator |
Alterations for louvers at sidewalk level and sign scheme |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-304a | Georgetown Incinerator |
Alterations for louvers at sidewalk level and sign scheme |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |